Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to Get Your Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed

The following quotes are pulled from various articles I found via

"There are a lot of reasons that children refuse to sleep in their own bed. Comfort, separation anxiety loneliness, nightmares, etc. But if you don't break this habit early, it just gets more difficult to do so."

"Don't give in. When your child gets out of their bed, make sure their alright, reassure them, and place them back in their own bed. This can be very difficult and frustrating but by being assertive and taking control of the situation you will show your child that they need to sleep in their own bed. Don't get upset with them because they resist, instead be calm and assuring."

"In general, both sleep consultants and parents who've been there say that once you decide to start this sleep training, bed sharing needs to end entirely. No "Well, just for five minutes" or "Maybe tonight because she had a long day." That means midnight visitors get walked back to their rooms, tucked in, kissed, and left behind. No extra snuggles, no drinks of water, as many times as it takes. There will be screams and sobs, and kids so resistant you'll have to carry them, wriggling and accusing all the way, to their beds. Which they will jump out of in a split second. You will start to wonder if you will ever sleep again. You will; just maybe not tonight. Keep this up until the new rules sink in."

"Giving in to whining, crying, or tantrums will only reinforce that strategy as a way to coerce to into changing your mind any time your kids wish to influence you."

"Just remember that no matter what the reason do not let the child sleep in your bed or else they will keep finding new excuses to do this. If my child has a nightmare, I will go to their room and lay down with them until they fall asleep. When you lay in the child's bed, it is letting them know that they still have to sleep in their own bed but you will be there to comfort them when something bad happens. "

"It does not work well to tell children to sleep in their bed and then relent when they act up. This only teaches them that their persistence will be rewarded with a trip to your bed."

"Don't weaken to crying or whining. If you do, your child wins. Tell your child you are not going to keep coming in for kisses, hugs, discussion, begging, or pleading. Stick to this. If your child leaves the room, simply re-direct the child back without discussion. Show no weakness, or your child will know that this behavior results in a change."

Basically, I was right. I told Danny that she was going to throw tantrums and cry and test him to the limit. I told him that if he gave in she would always know that she can cry until he gives in. And he just gave up and blamed me. Even though less than five minutes after she was screaming and crying, she was sitting in front of the television laughing and playing with her dolls. I didn't expect her to really sleep in her own bed, it was more of an experiment/attempt. I am more disappointed that she disrespected both of us by saying mean things and throwing a violent tantrum with her father. In the end, if she has to sleep in her princess bed beside our bed then so be it. We will work it out eventually.


For those who were just dying to hear the result of last night's sleep experiment:


Kristina acted ridiculous. I just don't get it. After an hour of trying to convince her to sleep in her own bed, Danny gave up. Whatever happened to putting your kid in bed, saying "goodnight", and walking out of the room? Apparently, he couldn't handle it and in turn got pissed at me. Because it's my fault.

So in the end, I spent another sleepless night squashed between my husband and the heater/wall. And for those of you out there who are saying "Wow, you're so mean. She's a little kid. Why can't you let her sleep with you?!" My answer to that? She is old enough to sleep in her own bed. Her little brother sleeps in there too, so its not like she is alone. We offered to leave lights on and doors open all night. We tucked her in, read her stories, gave her snacks, let her watch Nick Jr. before we brought her in. She just wants to have her way and NO ONE says "NO" to her. SIGH. We're working on it.

When I was a child, I went to bed by 8PM or when I was told because I had respect for my parents and knew that they made the rules. They tucked me in, read me a story, and I went to sleep. Why is it that parents allow their children to own them now? It is sad and I am not going to be one of those people. I love my son and I love my step-daughter, but there is no way ithat I am going to let either of them tell me what to do. With Evan, I have more control over his upbringing, but with Kristina its different. We barely see her so it is much harder to have a stable routine with her. Obviously she acts out because of the lack of time she spends with us and the less we see of her, the harder it is to help her with it.

The fact that no one can say "NO" to her isn't helping either. She is old enough to know that she can cry and throw a tantrum to manipulate people into getting what she wants. If someone doesn't change that soon, she might pull that forever. I'm afraid that she will get older and become uncontrollable. I went through that myself. My parents stopped giving me structure and tried to be my best friend. When that happened, I got everything I wanted by throwing a tantrum. I don't want to see that happen to her. It's not about her sleeping in her bed really, its about the constant attitude she has with people. I know she is going through a hard time and that she clearly misses us because we never see her, but I want to find the root of the problems with her and help her.


Photo of The Day:

Friday, February 26, 2010

First Post!

So I gave in and created a blog. Hopefully I will actually keep up with it and, hopefully, someone out there will actually read it.
Right now, Evan is down for his nap and I am still in my pajamas. This weekend is our weekend with Kristina, my step-daughter. It is also the first weekend that we are trying to have her sleep in her own bed in her own room. She is four-years-old and we think it is about time she stops sleeping with us. Up until now when she stays over she is awake until 10:00pm (or even later) because she wont go to bed unless she is in bed with us watching Nick Jr. It just isn't healthy for her to stay up that late and its uncomfortable for all of us. I finally put my foot down with my husband and said "This has to stop and we need to try to fix it". It wont be fair in a few months when Evan wants to sleep with us too and we tell him "No." I refuse to have two kids in my bed this summer!
Although I am happy to have our bed back, I am not looking forward to the ordeal that will come with getting her to sleep in her own bedroom. She is definitely one for throwing tantrums (as most kids do). I am truly hoping that when I get home from work tomorrow night and she has to go to bed that maybe, just maybe, she will behave and not start screaming and crying. Here's to wishful thinking!


Photo of the day: